A Masonic Brutum Fulmen

The Craftsman - 1867

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, have done a very foolish thing, which they will regret before many months elapse, in issuing the following proclamation:- "Whereas at a special convocation of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, under the jurisdiction of the M.W. the Grand Lodge of Scotland, holden at Freemason's Hall, in this city, on Thursday evening, the 13th inst., the following resolution was unanimously adopted, viz:- "Whereas, it has come to the knowledge of this Provincial Grand Lodge, that a number of the brethren belonging to the Scottish Lodges in the Province have illegally and unconstitutionally attempted to throw off their allegiance to the parent Grand Lodge of Scotland, and hold meetings for Masonic purposes, under no authority except that of the so-called Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, in defiance of the directions of the said Grand Lodge of Scotland.

"Resolved, that the R.W. Provincial Grand Master do proclaim such brethren suspended from all Masonic privileges, so long as they belong to lodges held under the said Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, such lodges being clandestine, and that he forbid all brethren belonging to the lodges within this jurisdiction, under pain of suspension, from visiting such clandestine lodges, or holding any Masonic intercourse whatever with the members thereof.

"Resolved, that such proclamation be published in the news- papers, and copies thereof sent to the several lodges, under English and Scottish authority in this Province." "In compliance with the foregoing resolution, and in accordance with instructions received from the M.W. the Grand Lodge of Scotland, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master doth hereby suspend from the privileges of Masonry all members of Scottish lodges within this jurisdiction, who belong to the lodges held, or purporting to be held, under the so-called Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, so long as they continue to attend the same, such lodges being clandestine, and held without proper authority; and in terms of the foregoing resolution, all good and true Scottish Masons are hereby forbidden from visiting such lodges, or holding any Masonic intercourse with the members thereof.

"Dated at Halifax, N.S., 14th December, 1866, by command of the Honorable Alex. Keith, R.W. Provincial Grand Master.