A short CHARGE, delivered to Brother WILLIAM WINSTON,

on his being invested and installed Right Worshipful Master of the Palladian Lodge of FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS, in the City of HEREFORD, on the Festival of St. JOHN the Evangelist, A.L. 5767; A. D. 1767. By BR. WELLINS CALCOTT, P. M.

Right Worshipful SIR,

BY the unanimous voice of the members of this lodge, you are elected to the Mastership thereof for the ensuing half- year; and I have the happiness of being deputed to invest you with this ensign of your office: Be it ever in your thoughts, that the antients particularly held this symbol to be a just, a striking emblem of the Divinity.

They said, the gods, who are the authors of every thing established in wisdom, strength, and beauty, were properly represented by this figure. * May you, worthy Brother, not only consider it as a mark of honour in this assembly, but also, let it ever remind you of your duty both to God and man. And as you profess the Sacred Volume to be your spiritual tressel board, may you make it your particular care to square your life and conversation according to the rules and designs laid down therein.

You have been of too long standing, and are too good a member of our community, to require now any information in the duty of your office. What you have seen praiseworthy in others, we doubt not you will imitate; and what you have seen defective, you will in yourself amend. We have therefore the greatest reason to expect you will be constant and regular in your attendance on the lodge, faithful and diligent in the discharge of your duty: And that you will make the honour of the Supreme Architect of the universe, and the good of the Craft, chief objects of your regard.

We likewise trust you will pay a punctual attention to the laws and regulations of this society, as more particularly becoming your present station; and that you will at the same time require a due obedience to them, from every other member, well knowing that without this the best of laws become useless.

For a pattern of imitation, consider the great luminary of nature, which, rising in the east, regularly diffuses light and lustre to all within its circle. In like manner it is your province, with due decorum, to spread and communicate light and instruction to the brethren in the lodge. From the knowledge we already have of your zeal and abilities, we rest assured you will discharge the duties of this important station in such a manner, as will greatly redound to the honour of yourself, as well as of those members over whom you are elected to preside. * Vide Proclus in EUCLID, Lib. XI. Def. 2 and 34.