This officers stationary position is to the right of and slightly in front of the Sr Warden.  His responsibilities to that officer are to perform the duties of attendant.

The Sr. Warden, when permitted by the Master, will appoint this officer. It is generally supposed that if the Sr Warden eventually assumes the East, he will take this officer with him to serve as Sr Deacon.

The Jr. Deacon, having been appointed to a Line Officer position, would do well to actively improve his ritualistic, talents, and Masonic rhetoric.

Where possible, he should assist the Sr. Deacon during the conference of degrees.

While being the immediate proxy of the West, he is also employed in the security of the Lodge, keeping the outer room clear and keep in the Tyler informed as to activities and changes in the Lodge.

During periods of balloting he should inform the Tyler that the door of the Lodge should not be alarmed.