His Station is in the East, reached by three steps. His seat represents the place once occupied by King Solomon.

The color of his station is 'White' denoting Purity and Wisdom.

White reminds us of that Devine Wisdom which can only be obtained through searching the revealed word of Him who is without beginning of days, or ending of years.

His jewel is the Square of Virtue which teaches us morality. It is angle of 90 degrees, or the fourth part of a circle.

His tools of authority are the Charter (Warrant), Book of Constitutions, Gavel and the Hat.

His position in the Lodge is similar to the Minister in the church. He has always been charged to present religious and intellectual teachings to the craft and must do so at every communication. ( Wages )

He is the overall administrator of all acts in and for the Lodge.

The Lodge at all times belongs to the Master, and is to be at his Will and Pleasure. He can not be contested or questioned; or placed on trial.

He answers only to the Grand Master/Grand Lodge, and his conscience.

Whenever the Master enters an area, he is to receive the acknowledgement of every Mason present.

It is his duty to deal fairly with every infraction of Masonic Law in hi domain. This includes visitors and unaffiliated Masons.

All who enter his domain should make their presence known, offer their services and seek their wages.

While a Masters power is extensive within his Lodge, he does not have the right or power to issue an edict. That power is reserved for the Grand Master, to invoke firm precepts applicable to every Lodge, thereby maintaining similarity throughout the jurisdiction.
He is to maintain peace and harmony in his Lodge, and be a good example to the craft.
He should establish a process of learning for his craft and demand that each member participates.   He should demand that his officers become proficient, and he himself be proficient. A master who reads in the Lodge will lose a degree of the effectiveness for which his office in known.

He must be a moral and good man He must be a law-abiding man.  He must not be a conspirator or enemy of the government. He must be temperate and meek he must be cautious, courteous, faithful and self-governing. He must possess a love for genuine Masonry. He must respect his Masonic superiors:

  1. Deity through His Law

  2. The Grand Lodge through it's charter

  3. His own law (while be commands, he obeys also)

He must be a zealous man.

He must be well versed in the Landmarks of Masonry.

He must be a lover of old-time things. (Written Laws of Old)

He must be zealous to honor.

He must communicate stately with the Grand Lodge.

He must recognize no clandestine rival.

He must maintain the regularity of the system.

His Duties Include (but not limited to):

attending the communications of his Lodge regularly

- to open his Lodge at a regular time, and close at a suitable time

- to preserve order in his Lodge

- to regulate the admission of visitors

- to protect and preserve the charter / transfer it to his successor

- to perform the ritualistic work of his Lodge/drill and drama, and
should early commit to memory all that is to be communicated

- to cause investigation into all un-masonic conduct

- to visit the sick and preside at funerals

- to be a good example to his brothers, maintaining peace and harmony within and without the Lodge