Masonic Books To Read


(In order of preference)

  1. The Craft and Its Symbols, Allen E. Roberts, 1974 (1) (2)

  2. Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft, John Hamill and R. A. Gilbert (ed.), 1992 (3)

  3. A Pilgrim's Path, John J. Robinson, 1993 (1) (2) (5)

  4. A Comprehensive View of Freemasonry, Henry Wilson Coil, 1973 (1) (2)

  5. Freemasonry in American History, Allen E. Roberts, 1985 (1) (2)

  6. Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, Henry Wilson Coil, 1961 (1)

  7. Masonic Trivia &Facts, Allen E. Roberts, 1994 (4)

  8. Masonic Membership of the Founding Fathers, Ronald E. Heaton, 1965 (1) (4)

  9. 10,000 Famous Freemasons, William R. Denslow, 1957 (1)

  10. Tied to Masonic Apron Strings, Stewart M. L. Pollard, 1969 (1) Richard Curtis is the Editor of The Northern Light the SMJ pulication. These Lists were published in the May 1995 issue


(In order of preference)

  1. The Craft and Its Symbols, Allen E. Roberts, 1974 (1) (2)

  2. A Comprehensive View of Freemasonry, Henry Wilson Coil, 1973 (1) (2)

  3. Born in Blood, John J. Robinson, 1989 (1) (2) (5)

  4. William Preston and His Work, Colin Dyer, 1987 (1) (2)

  5. Workman Unashamed, Christopher Haffner, 1989 (1) (2)

  6. A Pilgrim's Path, John J. Robinson, 1993 (1) (2)(5)

  7. House Undivided, Allen E. Roberts, 1961 (1) (2)

  8. Masonic World Guide, Kent Henderson, 1984 (1) (2)

  9. The Freemason at Work, Harry Carr, 1976 (1) (2)

  10. Miracle at Philadelphia, Catherine Drinker Bowen, 1966 (2) Ralph A. Herbold is the editor of the Southern California Research Lodge publications.


(In order of preference)

  1. A Pilgrim's Path, John J. Robinson, 1993, (1) (2) (5)

  2. House Undivided, Allen E. Roberts, 1961 (1) (2)

  3. The Builders, Joseph Fort Newton, 1914 (1) (2)

  4. Born in Blood, John J. Robinson, 1989 (1) (2) (5)

  5. Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft, John Hamill & R. A. Gilbert (ed.), 1992 (3)

  6. The Mystic Tie, Allen E. Roberts, 1991 (1) (2)

  7. The Temple and the Lodge, Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh, 1989 (1)

  8. The Clergy and the Craft, Forrest D. Haggard, 1970 (1) (2)

  9. Freemasonry in American History, Allen E. Roberts, 1985 (1) (2)

  10. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Richard Thorn, 1995 (5) Thomas W. Jackson is the Grand Secretary for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and book reviewer for The Northern Light.


(In order of preference)

  1. Freemasons' Guide and Compendium, Bernard E. Jones, 1950, 1956 (6)

  2. Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, Henry Wilson Coil, 1961 (1)

  3. The Freemason at Work, Harry Carr, 1976 (1) (2)

  4. Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft, John Hamill & R. A. Gilbert (ed.), 1992 (3)

  5. The Pocket History of Freemasonry, Fred L. Pick & G. Norman Knight, 1953 (6)

  6. Whither Are We Traveling?, Dwight L. Smith, 1962 (4)

  7. The Master's Book, Carl H. Claudy, 1935 (1)

  8. Key to Freemasonry's Growth, Allen E. Roberts, 1969 (1)

  9. The Early Mason* Catechisms, Douglas Knoop, G. P. Jones, & Douglas Hamer, 1953, 1963 (6)

  10. A Pilgrim's Path, John J. Robinson, 1993 (1) (2) (5) Wallace McLeod is professor of classics at Victoria College, University of Toronto, and past president of the Philalethes Society. :



  1. Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, Henry Wilson Coil, 1961 (1)

  2. The Freemason at Work, Harry Carr, 1976 (1) (2)

  3. Freemasonry in American History, Allen E. Roberts, 1985 (1) (2)

  4. Freemasonry Through Six Centuries, Henry Wilson Coil, 1966 (1)

  5. Freemasons' Guide and Compendium, Bemard E. Jones, 1950, 1956 (6)

  6. Masonic World Guide, Kent W. Henderson, 1984 (1) (2)

  7. A Pilgrim's Path, John J. Robinson, 1993 (1) (2) (5)

  8. The Rise and Development of Organized Freemasonry, Roy A. Wells, 1986 (6)

  9. Workman Unashamed, Christopher Haffner, 1989 (1) (2)

  10. World Freemasonry: An Illustrated History, John Hamill & R. A. Gilbert, 1991 (6) Pete Normand is a Past Master of the Texas Lodge of Research and was editor of the former American Masonic Review.

Fm: Charles H. Tupper 73614,2643 For history I would suggest "Freemasonry Through Six Centuries" by Henry W. Coil, Sr. (2 volumes) and "Freemasonry and American History" by Allen Roberts.

For symbolic education I would suggest "Symbolism of Freemasonry" by Albert Mackey and "The Builders" by Joseph Fort Newton.

For all around Freemasonry I would suggest "Masonic Literary Harvest" by the Missouri Lodge of Research and Revelations of a Square by George Oliver.

There are, of course about 80,000 books to choose from but these, I think, will give you a jump start. (g)

Chuck Librarian, GL of Washington