Alfred Douglas Smith, Jr.


Whereas, the life and outstanding service to Freemasonry of Alfred Douglas Smith, Jr., are engraved on memory's table; and Whereas, he was a 1927 graduate of Roanoke College and was employed as a realtor and an insurance broker and served on the governing board of the Richmond Board of Realtors as well as on the Appraisal Committee; and Whereas, he became a Mason on November 29, 1926 in Lewis Ginter Lodge No. 317, A.F. & A. M., and served that Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1933 at the age of twenty-eight, and rendered distinguished service to the Fifteenth Masonic District in 1937 as District Deputy Grand Master; and Whereas, he served with great distinction as Grand Master of Masons in Virginia in 1949, and later was elected Grand Treasurer and was Grand Treasurer Emeritus at the time of his death on February 4, 1986; and Whereas, he was a devoted member of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church; a member of Church Council and teacher of the Men's Bible Class from 1943 to 1964; and Whereas, he was Editor of the VIRGINIA MASONIC HERALD for eighteen years, and in 1958 was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Information, Research and Publication, devoting countless hours and travelling through out the Commonwealth, always willing to give of his time and wise counsel for the betterment of others; and Whereas, he was also a member of Acca Temple Shrine and the Richmond Scottish Rite Bodies, and was coronated 33rd Degree Inspector General Honorary in 1949; and Whereas, few possessed his fervency and zeal in working for our youth, particularly in the Order of DeMolay, which was very dear to his heart, for which he received the DeMolay Legion of Honor in 1937, and was appointed to the International Supreme Council in 1945 by Frank S. Land, the Founder of DeMolay; and

Whereas, we miss the warm grasp of his hand and the friendly twinkle of his sympathetic eye, he will be remembered affectionately by those of us who were proud to know him as well as by those whose lives he touched in a meaningful way.  He considered the greatest honor in Freemasonry as being declared a Master Mason and serving as Worshipful Master of one's Lodge.  Let the record show that the distinguished and exemplary life of Illustrious Alfred Douglas Smith, Jr., left lasting footprints on the sands of time.  We gratefully recognize the principles he upheld and the good works he accomplished;

Now, therefore, be it Resolved that we express our deepest sympathy to the members of his family with the assurance that he now rests from his labor on earth in the House Not Made With Hands, Eternal In The Heavens.

"When your final summons comes, to take that last, long trip, Adorned with Lambskin Apron white, and gems of fellowship; The Tiler at the Golden Gate, with Square and Rule and Plumb will size up your pin, and say, ‘Walk in - I see you've Travelled some.'"

Lloyd U. Jefferson, PGM

Stewart W. Miner, PGM

Werner H. Morlock, PDDGM