The making of a Freemason consists of a continuing course of education, of training, and of character forming.  While it may be accepted that it is an innermost desire, followed by obligations that makes one a member of the Craft, yet in a truer form and better sense, a man is naver a Freemason until he truthfully and loyally lives up to his obligations.  And he cannot do that until he understands them, and eventually knows their scope and real meaning.

Freemasonry can very well be divided into many phases.  Its landmarks, its customs, its consitution and its laws, just to mention a few, if studied and mastered, can provide a more interesting course for the Master Mason seeking Masonic knowledge.  Its historical background can provide in interesting program of investigation to the Member attracted to a desire for research.

One peculiarity about Freemasonry is that it will stand invest-igation.  The deeper the research, the more extensive the knowledge of its hidden art and mysteries, the more highly it is appreciated.  A member of the Craft who merely takes his degrees in a listless, careless sort of manner, and then remains as just a spectator at Lodge meetings, may hold to the opinion that Freemasonry differs little from other societies.  The the contrary, the Master Mason who delves deeply into Masonic literature takes a lively interest in every part of the Ritualistic and Lodge Work, and learns the origin, meaning and moral bearing of its symbols, cannot possibly fall into such an error.  To him Freemasonry has a refining and elevating influence not to be found in the ordinary run of organizations.

The philosophies of Freemasonry, when discovered and then accepted and practiced, provide that simple but profound solution to the problems of human relationships.  May it be accepted that Freemasonry is a way of living to the Master Mason who is interested enough to appraise and value the wealth that is his, and his alone, by virtue of his Masonic Membership.

The best informed Master Mason is the Master Mason who reads and studies.  Consequently, if we want Freemasonry to be of practical usefulness and cultural attainment, we, as Freemasons, must not neglect our Masonic reading, our Masonic studying and our research for more Masonic Light.